The New Zealand Church Mis­sion­ary Society (NZCMS) is an evan­gel­ical mission com­munity, seeking to mobil­ise the Church in New Zealand for God’s mission in the world. We partner with indi­vidu­als and churches who share a common vision: to obey the call of God to pro­claim the Gospel of God’s grace in Christ Jesus to all peoples.

Latest News & Events from NZCMS

Hear some news and stories from the people at the heart of NZCMS.

Latest News:
New Evangelism Partnership to New Zealand’s Hippie Scene 

New Evangelism Partnership to New Zealand’s Hippie Scene 

In 2025, NZCMS is excited to start a new part­ner­ship with an evan­gel­ism min­istry to New Zealand’s new-age hippie scene led by Rev Mark Johnson and his wife Kirsty. Sur­prised by a Kingdom Vision NZCMS is a com­munity pas­sion­ate about God’s mission in the world. We are…

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New Evangelism Partnership to New Zealand’s Hippie Scene 

In 2025, NZCMS is excited to start a new part­ner­ship with an evan­gel­ism min­istry to New Zealand’s new-age hippie scene led by Rev Mark Johnson and his wife Kirsty. Sur­prised by a Kingdom Vision NZCMS is a com­munity pas­sion­ate about God’s mission in the world. We are…

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Are you Seriously Interested in Mission?

Are you Seriously Interested in Mission?

Over the course of the last three years NZCMS have been build­ing various small groups for global mission pas­sion­ate people called “Ser­i­ously Inter­ested in Mission”. These groups have been stead­ily growing and we now have regular meet­ings across Aotearoa. First planted…

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Are you Seriously Interested in Mission?

Over the course of the last three years NZCMS have been build­ing various small groups for global mission pas­sion­ate people called “Ser­i­ously Inter­ested in Mission”. These groups have been stead­ily growing and we now have regular meet­ings across Aotearoa. First planted…

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Latest Event:
Making Jesus Known Among the Nations in Aotearoa

Making Jesus Known Among the Nations in Aotearoa

Are you serving among people of other cul­tures? Has God given you a heart for migrants? Do you desire to see our churches grow inter­cul­tur­ally? If so, then this event is for you! NZCMS’ Inter­cul­tural Min­is­tries Enabler, Alice Kinyua, will join with other intercultural…

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Making Jesus Known Among the Nations in Aotearoa

Are you serving among people of other cul­tures? Has God given you a heart for migrants? Do you desire to see our churches grow inter­cul­tur­ally? If so, then this event is for you! NZCMS’ Inter­cul­tural Min­is­tries Enabler, Alice Kinyua, will join with other intercultural…

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Get Involved with NZCMS

There are many valu­able ways you can engage with us – from prayer to fin­an­cial support to becom­ing a Mission Partner. Learn more here.


Learn about the prayer needs of the people and places at the heart of NZCMS.


Find out the ways in which you can support our work financially.


Explore oppor­tun­it­ies to become more deeply involved in the work of NZCMS.



Find out more about the history, mission, vision, and whakapapa of NZCMS.


Meet our won­der­ful staff and Mission Part­ners, and our other partner organisations.

As the Father has sent me, I’m sending you.

JOHN 20.21

Kia tau te rangimarie ki a koutou: i tonoa mai ahau e te Matua, ka pera ano taku tono i a koutou.

JOHN 20.21

As the Father has sent me, I’m sending you.

JOHN 20.21