Our Work

Our vision is for dis­ciples of Jesus to be enga­ging in God’s trans­form­at­ive work, whether in New Zealand or over­seas. As a com­munity pas­sion­ate about mission, we know God’s calling on us as ‘sent people,’ sent into the world to pro­claim and live out God’s faith­ful love. There are five key ways in which we help the Church to engage as sent people, which we describe below. Our prayer is that as the wider Church engages with our work, each member of the Body of Christ will hear God’s call to be sent, and will discern their pathway of response. 

HomeAboutOur Work

Sending Mission Partners Globally 

​New Zeal­anders can use their unique gifts to impact the world. At NZCMS, we are ded­ic­ated to equip­ping and jour­ney­ing with New Zeal­anders who sense a call into global missions.

Discipling Young People

The world can be changed by a gen­er­a­tion of young adults who are act­ively par­ti­cip­at­ing in God’s mission. Our team provides oppor­tun­it­ies for young people to be encour­aged, inspired, and equipped to be part of God’s trans­form­ing work.

Inspiring and Educating the Church 

A Church that knows its iden­tity as Jesus-sent people can be a cata­lyst for trans­form­a­tion. At NZCMS, we aim to inspire and chal­lenge the Church of Aotearoa to come alive with mis­sional fire wherever they are placed.

Engaging With Our Bi-Cultural Whakapapa

The Church Mis­sion­ary Society has a long history in Aotearoa New Zealand, and we con­tinue to live out of this legacy. We acknow­ledge both the joys and sorrows of CMS as bi-cul­tural part­ners in the past, and seek to honour this legacy in our work today in part­ner­ship with tangata whenua.

Equipping The Church for Intercultural Mission

NZCMS real­ises that oppor­tun­it­ies for mission across cul­tures are not just over­seas, but here in New Zealand. NZCMS provides resources and support for churches enga­ging inter­cul­tur­ally in their neighbourhoods.