Our Staff

Put a face to a name: here are the fab­ulous staff who work in our office in Christ­ch­urch, New Zealand.

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Rosie Fyfe

Rosie Fyfe

National Dir­ector

Rosie’s term as National Dir­ector of NZCMS began in 2019. Pre­vi­ously, she served as an NZCMS Mission Partner in Egypt for five years before com­plet­ing a Master’s degree in Church History and Theo­logy at Trinity School for Min­istry in Ambridge, Pennsylvania. She cur­rently lives in Christchurch. 

Bruce White

Bruce White

Per­son­nel Manager

Bruce part­ners with Carolyn to look after our Mission Part­ners. Together they support, equip and encour­age our people serving over­seas. Bruce pastored at a Baptist church for ten years before he and his wife served with the New Zealand Baptist Mis­sion­ary Society in south asia for seven years. They then returned to New Zealand to pastor again for another seven years before God opened the door for Bruce to join our team. 



Per­son­nel manager

Carolyn sees the Per­son­nel Manager role as sup­port­ing our Mission Part­ners to thrive over­seas and back in New Zealand through encour­aging a hol­istic, authen­tic, and God empowered approach to mission and life. Her own life in mis­sions began in her early twen­ties with a short-term place­ment in Thai­l­and, and even­tu­ally led to her and her husband spend­ing twenty-eight won­der­ful years serving in the Middle East. She has two married daugh­ters and their fam­il­ies who live in Christ­ch­urch and she feels very blessed to live so close by to them now, after so many years apart.

Alice Kinyua

Alice Kinyua

Inter­cul­tural min­is­tries Enabler — nelson

A little under six years ago, Alice and her family moved from Nairobi, Kenya to Whan­ganui with her husband Kinyua Kathuri and her chil­dren Kara and Kega. They now live in Nelson where Alice’s husband is the Vicar at St. Steph­ens Com­munity Church, Tahunanui.

Jairus Robb

Jairus Robb

Com­mu­nic­a­tions Officer

Jairus is respons­ible for NZCMS Com­mu­nic­a­tions. Having lived in Papua New Guinea as a toddler, and in Cam­bodia as a teen­ager, Jairus has had many exper­i­ences living in global mis­sions. Before joining NZCMS in 2017, he was a youth worker for 8 years and received a Bach­elor of Min­is­tries from Laidlaw Bible College. He is married to Jasmine and helps to lead the young adults’ min­istry at their church.

Yvonne Styles

Yvonne Styles

Finance Manager

Yvonne works for CMS part time, man­aging the fin­an­cial side of things. She has prior com­mer­cial finance exper­i­ence and has also worked in various mis­sional roles for her church. Yvonne is pas­sion­ate about people con­nect­ing with God through scrip­ture and loves to hear about how God is working among people both locally and inter­na­tion­ally. She lives in Christ­ch­urch with her husband Mark.

Ian Yong

Ian Yong

inter­cul­tural min­is­tries enabler — Auckland

Rev Ian works along­side Rev Alice Kinyua (based in Nelson). As a Malay­sian born Chinese he has done a lot of work with the Asian com­munit­ies in Auck­land. Ian sees himself as a trail­blazer, called to walk the edges of the Pākehā world and min­is­ter to many inter­na­tional stu­dents. Ian is married to Daisy.

Paula Masterton

Paula Masterton

Office manager

Paula comes from a cor­por­ate back­ground and is based in the Christ­ch­urch office. She looks after the incom­ing dona­tions, builds part­ner­ships with churches who support our Mission Part­ners in their min­istry and assist with various admin­is­trat­ive duties.

The Board of NZCMS

The Board of NZCMS 

The Right Rev.
Richard Ellena (Pres­id­ent)

Graeme Mitchell (Chair)

Joanna Framp­ton (Deputy Chair)

Anne Segedin

Rachel Pet­ti­grew

John Corban

Rebekah Sussex

Rev. Rangi Nicholson

Rev. Claude Fong Toy