Staying is the New Going

Mission for Those Called to Stay

HomeAboutStaying is the New Going

About this Course

The Why

Tra­di­tion­ally, NZCMS has sent Mission Part­ners over­seas and we’ve gotten really good at it. However, more and more Kiwi dis­ciples are real­ising there is mission work to be done here too. Just as some have recog­nised the need over­seas and a call to go, people are sensing a call to stay.

This excites us because it lands right in the middle of our vision to mobil­ise the Church of Aotearoa to par­ti­cip­ate in God’s mission wherever he has placed us.

So we partnered with our friends at Dis­ciple­ship Path­ways to equip you to do just that.

The Who

“Staying is the New Going” is for those who are called to stay. How do you know if this is you? Well, if you aren’t called to mission over­seas, you’re called to mission here! Every dis­ciple is called to par­ti­cip­ate in God’s mission.

This course is run by Nathan Hughes and Guy Benton, two guys part of the NZCMS whānau who have a com­bined 20+ years of on-the-ground, in-your-face, real-life, cross-cul­tural, and local mis­sions experience.

The Goal

By doing this course you will be inspired to join a team, learn to become more engaged and con­fid­ent in your com­munity and gain some tips and tricks on how to love, serve and share the Gospel with your neighbourhood.

Our big picture goal is to facil­it­ate a place where you and your com­munity can learn how to:

  • Lean into God’s mission
  • Love your neigh­bours like Jesus 
  • Respond to the Holy Spirit’s call to stay

Class Content

Staying is the New Going is a ‘Class’ with 9 ‘Modules’. We’ve struc­tured it this way because we want you to go through these videos as a learn­ing com­munity, serving your local neigh­bour­hood together. Mission, whether over­seas or in Aotearoa, is done in teams and through deep rela­tion­ship and mutu­al­ity. So, get your mates together and let’s get started!


Nathan takes you through the ins and outs of this course so you can get a better idea of who this course is for and how best to use it.

The Practice of Place

Guy Benton shares from Jeremiah 29 about how God cares about the place where we are and calls us to commit to it.

The Practice of Incarnation

John 14 says “Jesus became flesh and moved into the neigh­bour­hood” (The MSG). How can we follow Jesus’ example?

The Practice of Longevity

What does longev­ity have to do with com­munity mission and min­is­tries? What does longev­ity even mean?

The Practice of Learning

How can we come to people and places without assum­ing their stories and their needs? Why is this so important?

The Practice of Community 

Nathan teaches from Phil­ip­pi­ans 2:12 — 13, showing us how Scrip­ture calls us, not only to serve indi­vidu­ally, but also as groups of people.

The Practice of Presence

How do we go about mean­ing­fully con­nect­ing with our neigh­bour­hoods? How can we build friend­ships with strangers?

The Practice of Hospitality 

Some people take great joy in hosting others and making them feel welcome. But for many it doesn’t come quite as nat­ur­ally. How can we welcome people well?

The Practice of Prayer

Prayer is essen­tial when it comes to mission. But how can we pray? What does this look like when it comes to pur­su­ing God’s call to stay?

The Practice of Proclamation

Have you been involved in a form of evan­gel­ism that has been inap­pro­pri­ate or manip­u­lat­ive? How do we share about Christ in a society that is some­times pretty neg­at­ive to Christianity?

Lean into God’s mission

Love your neigh­bours like Jesus

Respond to the Holy Spirit’s call to stay