Growing Global Disciples

Growing Global Dis­ciples is all about learn­ing to look and live outward to what God is doing in the world. It’s about growing our under­stand­ing and build­ing prac­tical rhythms into our lives as fol­low­ers of Jesus who desire God’s Kingdom to flour­ish in every person and culture.

HomeResourcesGrowing Global Disciples

This resource will explore ques­tions like…
What is God’s vision for the world?
Why is Mission integ­ral for every fol­lower of Jesus?
How can I be involved?

This class includes:

  • Nine enga­ging videos, explor­ing dif­fer­ents topic around mission.
  • Stories from four presenters on their jour­neys of enga­ging in global mission.
  • Found­a­tional teach­ing on some import­ant mission concepts.
  • Sug­ges­ted prac­tices that will help you imple­ment learn­ings into your life in tan­gible ways.
  • An in depth set of “Class Notes”.

Watch Module 1

You can watch Module 1 here. We’ve attached the notes of this Module so you can see how the videos and Class Notes work together. To get access to all the video ses­sions and Class Notes, get in touch with us. We’d love to connect with you and talk you through the content.

How to use it

This class is designed for a small group setting – You’ll watch one video per session and engage with the content together. It is through jour­ney­ing with a com­munity of people com­mit­ted to dis­cus­sion, account­ab­il­ity, and prayer that we see the most impact­ful and long-term growth.

The content

In part­ner­ship with Dis­ciple­ship Pathway, we’ve created nine “Modules” that include a video and set of Class Notes each to use for your small group. Each Module will cover a dif­fer­ent topic con­nec­ted to global mission. You can see the titles of each Module here.

Module 1 LEARN:
Prac­tices for Growing as Global Disciples

Module 2 READ:
God’s Mission and ours

Module 3 EAT:
Cul­tural Awareness

Module 4 REFLECT:
Dif­fer­ing Worldviews

Module 5 LISTEN:
Gospel and Culture

Digital Dignity

Module 7 CHOOSE:
Ethical Consumption

Module 8 CONNECT:
Rela­tion­ship Across Cultures

Module 9 GO:
Enga­ging Cross-Culturally

Where to start

You start by con­tact­ing us at or 03–377 2222. We want to meet you (either digit­ally or face to face) and answer any ques­tions you may have. We’ll also be avail­able to help however we can as you go through the content.