Mission Internships

Have you ever wondered if God is calling you into cross-cul­tural mis­sions? You don’t have to figure it out alone! Gain an accred­ited qual­i­fic­a­tion as you journey with exper­i­enced mis­sion­ar­ies and discern together how God is invit­ing you to par­ti­cip­ate in mission. 

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NZCMS and Bishopdale College

NZCMS and Bish­op­dale Theo­lo­gical College (BTC) are part­ner­ing to offer people of all ages an oppor­tun­ity to learn, grow and be dis­cipled in inter­cul­tural skills right here in Aotearoa New Zealand (Level 5) and over­seas (Level 6).

  • Immerse your­self in inter­cul­tural con­texts in New Zealand and overseas.
  • Receive coach­ing and ment­or­ing from exper­i­enced missionaries.
  • Develop a deeper under­stand­ing of God’s trans­form­ing work in the world.
  • Be equipped with prac­tical skills for inter­cul­tural ministry.
  • Gain a qual­i­fic­a­tion from an accred­ited institution.
  • Deepen your faith as you experience

Level 5 Diploma in Christian Studies (NZDipCS)

Stu­dents who com­plete a New Zealand based inter­cul­tural focused intern­ship with NZCMS and Bish­op­dale College, will gain a Diploma in Chris­tian Studies (NZDipCS) in lead­er­ship, through Laidlaw College. Stu­dents who are accep­ted for a Level 5 intern­ship will study full-time for one year in which half of the credits come through the intern­ship place­ment hours in an inter­cul­tural context in New Zealand. Our intern­ship place­ments are done mainly through local churches here in NZ that are inter­cul­tural in their mission focus.

Level 6 Diploma in Christian Studies (NZDipCS)

Stu­dents with a Level 5 diploma (or equi­val­ent) can go on to com­plete a level 6 inter­cul­tural focused intern­ship with Bish­op­dale College and NZCMS. They will com­plete some of their intern­ship hours in an inter­cul­tural context in NZ, under a dynamic local church, and the rest in a two or three month cross-cul­tural place­ment over­sees, over the NZ summer months. Working along­side exper­i­enced mis­sion­ar­ies will enable interns to gain a long-term per­spect­ive on mission, despite only being there short-term.  Stu­dents will study full-time for one year in which half of the credits come through the intern­ship place­ment hours and the other half from advanced theo­lo­gical and bib­lical studies. Stu­dents will gain a Level 6 Diploma in Chris­tian Lead­er­ship (Mis­sions) from Bish­op­dale College. 

The Details

  • 1 or 2 years of full-time study, which includes the prac­tical intern­ship time and assess­ments dir­ectly linked to your intern­ship context.
  • Option to com­plete a Level 5 and/or 6 Diploma in Chris­tian Studies.
  • Place­ments for both dip­lo­mas will be indi­vidu­ally tailored to suit each intern’s situ­ation and cir­cum­stances. If not based in Nelson, the intern will be invited to attend on-site classes approx­im­ately once a month. Other classes will be via Zoom.
  • Coach­ing and ment­or­ing for the year by exper­i­enced missionaries.
  • Cost per year: student fees $6,300*. In some cir­cum­stances schol­ar­ships and gov­ern­ment funding could be available.
  • Course on offer for New Zealand res­id­ents only.
Find out More

Find out More

Contact our Intern­ship Super­visor Alice Kinyua
+ 64 027 436 5786


Awatere, Nelson. Migrant Workers

The Awatere Valley is a large and beau­ti­ful area just south of Blen­heim. As it runs back into tall moun­tains it is home to tra­di­tional hill country farms and sta­tions and huge newer areas of grapes. Sea­sonal workers from Vanuatu, Kiribati, and other Pacific Islands spend months of the year working in the vineyards.

An intern could gain sig­ni­fic­ant cross-cul­tural and min­istry exper­i­ence. Vine­yard workers receive pas­toral care, advocacy with employ­ers to protect their rights and assist­ance with all sorts of issues, as well as par­ti­cip­at­ing and leading in Sunday worship.

Victory Community Anglican Church

Located in the most eco­nom­ic­ally chal­lenged area of Nelson, Victory is also the most cul­tur­ally diverse church in the Nelson Anglican Diocese. The church has inten­tion­ally embraced a call to embrace multi-cul­tur­al­ism. A sig­ni­fic­ant group con­nec­ted to the church are Chin people from Myanmar.

An intern could par­ti­cip­ate in a wide variety of work to con­tinue build­ing a genu­inely out­reach­ing and multi-cul­tural com­munity focused on Jesus.

Global Placements

Be appren­ticed to an NZCMS global Mission Partner. These place­ments give young adults oppor­tun­it­ies to be placed under the care of an exper­i­enced Mission Partner to ‘learn the trade’ of cross-cul­tural mission through an integ­rat­ive, hands-on experience.