Rev Ian Yong Commissioned for NZCMS Role in Auckland

Rev Ian Yong Commissioned for NZCMS Role in Auckland

On the 30th June, Rev Ian Yong was com­mis­sioned by NZCMS in a new role of Inter­cul­tural Min­is­tries Enabler working within the Auck­land Diocese. A man of several hats, Ian also serves as an assist­ant priest at St Paul’s Symonds Street.

Board Treasurer Endorses Gift in Wills

Board Treasurer Endorses Gift in Wills

The Corban family has a long­stand­ing con­nec­tion with NZCMS. My Dad and Mum were Mission Part­ners in Tan­zania for 10 years, and one of my broth­ers and I were both born there. Dad went on to be chair of the NZCMS Board and now it’s my priv­ilege to serve on the...
The Legacy of Allan Anderson

The Legacy of Allan Anderson

Allan Ander­son was a com­mit­ted sup­porter of NZCMS and an extraordin­ary entre­pren­eur. He was phil­an­thropic, future focused, vis­ion­ary and pas­sion­ate about putting his faith into action. Allan led the NZCMS Branch in Whan­ganui for many years. In the...