Introducing our New Intercultural Ministry Enabler

Apr 8, 2022 | News

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An Interview with Alice Kinyua

Tell us a bit about your back­ground. Where do you come from and who do you call family?

A little under six years ago, my family and I moved from Nairobi, Kenya to the lovely city of Whan­ganui, NZ. At that time my husband, Kinyua Kathuri and I had one daugh­ter called Kara. She was eight months old. She is now six and a half. Later we had Kega who is now three and a half. Since she was born here, we are offi­cially a family of three Kenyans and one Kiwi! We now live in sunny Nelson. My husband is the Vicar at St. Steph­ens Com­munity Church, Tahun­anui. We have been married for ten years.

If you were to describe your­self in ten words, what would you say?

Wife, mother, min­is­ter, overtly Chris­tian, cau­tiously adven­tur­ous, curious learner, joyful.

How did your passion for mission first begin?

I can’t remem­ber a time I was not mis­sional. From a young age, I always felt the need to invite people to the things I enjoyed doing. Since I was act­ively involved in church and had fun in all the activ­it­ies, I invited every­one I could to these activ­it­ies. When I sur­rendered my life to Christ at the age of 15, I became acutely aware of the many people around me that lived without the joy of Christ. I felt most alive when I was able to share the good news with them. Having said that, I never saw myself serving in full-time church min­istry let alone living outside my country. That came many years later after a long period of con­tend­ing with the Lord and as always, the Lord won!

What is your role with NZCMS and why does it interest you?

I have joined CMS as the Inter­cul­tural Min­istry Enabler. New Zealand is a very mul­ti­cul­tural nation. A simple survey of our local com­munit­ies will show a growing rep­res­ent­a­tion of this cul­tural diversity. Some of the churches are becom­ing increas­ingly aware that in this diversity lies an oppor­tun­ity for growth. My role is to basic­ally explore ways to support local churches to flour­ish within their context by becom­ing more inter­cul­tural in their out­reach, fel­low­ship, and worship. Imagine with me our con­greg­a­tions begin­ning to sound and look more and more like the picture described in Rev­el­a­tion 7:9

“… a crowd from every nation and tribe and people and lan­guage … shout­ing with a great roar, “sal­va­tion comes from our God” (NLT).

That picture, of having a little heaven right here, just excites me!

And now, the most import­ant ques­tion — favour­ite hobby/pass time?

When not jumping on the tram­po­line or build­ing sand­castles with my kids, you will find me enjoy­ing ‘me-time’ cooking, swim­ming, walking, reading a good book (I enjoy a variety of genres), hanging out around people and food. Did I mention I enjoy cooking, well, I enjoy eating too!

1 Comment
  1. Rev Jacky Ancliffe. (Deacon)

    Thank you for sharing, we are indeed a multi cul­tural society and our Bream Bay Local shared min­istry Churches reflect that , we have tried to include every one and some­times use the Maori Lan­guage in our Prayer Book. There is so much more needs to be done!

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