Introducing the Hogan Family!

Apr 4, 2024 | News

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NZCMS and MMM NZ (Mobile Mission Main­ten­ance) are pleased to announce a new part­ner­ship to support Roy and Rachael Hogan’s ongoing call to live and min­is­ter in Fiji.

Roy and Rachael, with their three chil­dren, Joshua, Gab­ri­elle, and Kelepi (Caleb) Hogan have lived in Nadi, Fiji, since May 2022. They have been serving as Project Co-ordin­at­ors for MMM in Fiji.

Roy and Rachael have now dis­cerned a longer-term calling. In order to support this call, NZCMS have come along­side the Hogan family to become their “sending agency.” This means that NZCMS will take respons­ib­il­ity for their ongoing well-being, and fin­an­cial and prayer support.

Roy and Rachael’s work with MMM will be unchanged, and they will con­tinue the stra­tegic work of build­ing and main­ten­ance pro­jects sup­port­ing Chris­tian Min­is­tries in Fiji through MMM NZ and MMM Fiji.

1 Comment
  1. Sally Kibblewhite

    Would you please send another photo so we can see Rachael more clearly. She reminds me of Rebekah Dunbar so I am won­der­ing if they are sisters!? Great to be sup­port­ing such a lovely family. God bless them.🤗

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