Update from Mission Partners in Cambodia

Jul 4, 2024 | News

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We are cur­rently in Cam­bod­i­a’s annual dry season and it has been an intense one this year. Accord­ing to the gov­ern­ment, it’s been the hottest season in 170 years — most days have been nearing 40 degrees but there’s also a “Feels like” tem­per­at­ure, due to the humid­ity, that creeps towards 50 degrees.

It can be an extremely dif­fi­cult time for many Khmer people, espe­cially those who have to work outside. The state schools have had their hours shortened and, in some classrooms, water is being pumped into them so that the chil­dren can have their feet in water while trying to learn.

Please pray too for the Khmer people who will be strug­gling under the conditions.

We keep an eye on our health and make sure we’re drink­ing enough water, but there are some other effects that are surprising:

  • The ink in the printer clogs easily
  • The tyres on our bikes deteri­or­ate rapidly
  • A power pole near us caught on fire and cut off the inter­net to half the houses in the area

The church plant that we are a part of has been going well. We have a great core of regular attendees and there is increas­ing fel­low­ship outside of the Sunday meet­ings. There is always a need for volun­teers for dif­fer­ent aspects of church life, but in general, people are in good heart and we feel it has had a good start.

The main church min­is­ter and his family are cur­rently away for three months. Please pray that they return refreshed and enthused for min­istry life here.
Pray also for deep­en­ing rela­tion­ships and a love for one another despite all our differences.

The Khmer church that is based in the boy’s student dorm­it­ory has been active for the past few months. They reg­u­larly have 20–30 young people each week and it’s lovely to see this coming to fruition. Nehemiah has been leading this and has a reser­voir of bound­less energy.

It’s been a delight to get to know the boys in the dorm­it­ory. I’ve (Neill) had to pause meeting with them due to various sched­ule changes but hope­fully, this will pick up again soon. Pray that the Gospel message is taught faith­fully in this church. Pray too that the young Khmer men and women who attend will grow in faith to know Jesus.

Back in Easter, I am excited to say we had some won­der­ful bap­tisms! We com­bined the English and Khmer speak­ing ser­vices, rigged up a pool on the 4th floor of our build­ing, sang songs in both lan­guages and cel­eb­rated together as a church family. It’s prob­ably one of the most encour­aging things that we’ve been able to be a part of while here and we pray for many more. Give thanks for those who pro­fessed their trust in Jesus at this time.

Life in Cambodia 

Recently we had the priv­ilege of being invited to the recep­tion for a Cam­bod­ian wedding. Two pieces of advice given before­hand were, “Don’t sit near the speak­ers” and “Don’t eat the food”. The first one we listened to and were grate­ful for the fact! The recep­tion catered for 700 people and the music was incred­ibly loud. We were as far from the speak­ers as you could go and could still only hear the person right next to us at our table. Altern­at­ively, we did eat the food and did not regret it, includ­ing one item on the menu called “Biting Beef” con­tain­ing red ants. Num num!

One other delight is that the movie theatres recently showed the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy — it was lovely being able to take Jonathan and Aaron along (Emily wasn’t too inter­ested!) and see these fant­astic films on the big screen.

Give thanks

  • That the church plant is up and running.
  • That our chil­dren are enjoy­ing their time at Hope School.
  • For the bap­tisms over Easter.
  • That hot season is almost over!

Please pray

  • For Nehemiah — espe­cially for wisdom in knowing when he is pushing himself too much.
  • For people who have found the hot season phys­ic­ally and emo­tion­ally draining.
  • For our friends the McLaugh­lin family who are cur­rently in the States spend­ing time with family and support churches.
  • That Hope School can find the required teach­ing staff for the new school year in August.

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