Introducing the Aryal Family

Jun 2, 2023 | News

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A new ini­ti­at­ive for NZCMS in 2023 is sup­port­ing Co-Mission Part­ners. NZCMS is part­ner­ing with AsiaCMS to ‘co-send’ mis­sion­ar­ies from Asia to Asia. These mis­sion­ar­ies work in stra­tegic mission roles in their own or near culture con­texts. We pray that this part­ner­ship bears fruit and opens our eyes and hearts to what God is doing in the world.

Kumar and Kathryn Aryal are the first Co-Mission Part­ners NZCMS is sup­port­ing. Kumar Aryal was born and raised in a devout Hindu family in Nepal. Kathryn grew up in the Phil­ip­pines in a prac­tising Cath­olic home. Both of them had unique exper­i­ences of coming to faith and com­mit­ting their lives to mission. Their chil­dren are Kevin, Kyle and Kurt.

Kumar’s early min­istry was with the Nepali migrant com­munity in Malay­sia and then he went on to con­tinue his theo­lo­gical studies in the Phil­ip­pines. He and Kathryn met at the Inter­na­tional Gradu­ate School of Lead­er­ship (IGSL) in the Phil­ip­pines and even­tu­ally got married. They both taught at IGSL for many years in dif­fer­ent capacities.

They had a burden to serve in Nepal. In 2021, they moved to Nepal as a family to begin a pion­eer­ing min­istry of train­ing leaders and reach­ing the poor and unreached groups with the Gospel.

They expressed interest in the AsiaCMS Co-Mission Partner program when they arrived in Nepal. After a year of review and ensur­ing that their min­istry aligned with AsiaCMS focus, they were selec­ted as Co-Mission Partners.

Prayer Requests from the Aryals: 

  • We’ve just com­pleted two years of serving the Lord in Nepal and making Jesus known. Praise God for His faith­ful­ness and pro­vi­sion in our lives and min­istry. Pray that God will con­tinue to give us wisdom and guid­ance as we work to network and col­lab­or­ate with the Bible Schools and key organ­isa­tions in Nepal.
  • We are vis­it­ing the Phil­ip­pines during June and July during the kid’s school summer break. Please pray we can process our young­est’s (Kurt’s) visa quickly in the Phil­ip­pines, do medical tests and have a blessed time with loved ones.
  • Kyle is enjoy­ing school and showing con­fid­ence in per­form­ing action songs on stage and volun­teer­ing for activ­it­ies. We praise God for keeping him healthy after he needed to go to the hos­pital and was admit­ted to the Intens­ive Care Unit (ICU) after a bad fall. Praise God for His mighty hand of pro­tec­tion and help in the recov­ery. Pray for Kyle’s con­tin­ued recov­ery and that his joy and con­fid­ence will con­tinue to grow.
  • We are working to create a com­munity out­reach for widows, single mothers, orphans and the dis­abled. Pray for God’s wisdom and guid­ance so that we will know the right people to work with and the right oppor­tun­it­ies to invest in.

Read more about the Co-Mission Partner Ini­ti­at­ive here.

  1. Anne Gover

    May God bless your min­istry in Nepal

  2. Beryl

    A great idea.

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