Māori Evangelist Shares a Dream

Dec 8, 2023 | News

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By Rev Howard Te Hauoterangi Karaka
NZCMS Māori Evangelist

Hē Moemoea ahau, (I have a dream) that there is going to be a huge revival.

My people in Te Puaha O Waikato & Hauraki have been lost for so many years, many have turned from God and fol­lowed bad theo­logy and leaders who were not God-fearing and were led astray. This lead­er­ship did not have a true pas­toral heart for the people and was more con­cerned about teach­ing philo­sophies and human tra­di­tions rather than Christ’s amazing grace, love, for­give­ness and salvation.

On Sunday 8th October, I dreamt I was stand­ing on my maunga (moun­tain) “Te Puke O Tāhinga “, the same maunga my tupuna waata kukutai (great grand­father) would go to and pray, the same maunga he shared with Mis­sioner Robert Maun­sall of NZCMS in 1856.

I saw this huge tornado heading towards me. Inside its funnel, I could see people being taken upwards through the funnel as it moved close to me. At first, I thought “How beau­ti­ful” but then this fear of concern sud­denly came over me. As I looked down towards the bottom of the funnel, I could see debris flying around and destruc­tion left behind it.

I awoke sweat­ing as it felt so real. I woke up my wife Ngahuia and shared my dream. With a chuckle, I asked God, “What was that about?” As the day went on, I would stop and reflect on this dream. I asked God to give me a rev­el­a­tion of what had just happened and if it was not from Him, to remove it.

By late evening I got this message from the Holy Spirit.

- The tornado as men­tioned in the Bible rep­res­ents God’s anger.

- The people in the funnel are those who are going to be taken up and sep­ar­ated from the destruc­tion around them.

- The debris and destruc­tion at the bottom of the funnel was the most dan­ger­ous part of the tornado. God is going to save his people from this destruction.

In the Book of Zechariah, it’s a symbol of change and trans­form­a­tion, trans­ition­ing and per­sonal growth.

My Reflec­tion

Change is coming. God has blessed me in this min­istry, with my people and I have seen change, trans­form­a­tion and growth but I am also very aware that the enemy has been press­ing against God’s work.

I am working among people who are seeking God’s face, looking for change and are lost. However, there have been changes that only God can make, the fruits of your support, the support of my spon­sors, the support of NZCMS and the support of Te Piho­patanga O Te Manawa O Te Wheke,
are here among my people. Here is a list of just a few of examples:

• Pas­toral Care has been much work for one person.
• In Novem­ber 2023, I began a men’s group ( Kahui Tane), the very first in Te Puaha O Waikato.
• In January 2024 there will be the re-opening of Paeroa Maori Anglican Church (Hoani Tapu)
• 2024 the re-opening of Tama Tera (Holy Trinity).
• Marae min­istry from 4 marae to 5 marae, with the pos­sib­il­ity of 2 more marae in Hauraki.
• Toko Toru Tapu Parawira was re-opened in Feb­ru­ary 2022 and still growing.

These are the fruits of your prayers and your fin­an­cial support.

Prayer Request

Pray for ongoing support. Break­through has already begun, and God has been opening not only doors of oppor­tun­ity to share the Gospel, but the doorway to people’s hearts in Te Puaha O Waikato. This has been a mission area that has failed for many, many years, and I give praise, glory and honour to God for what he is doing.

Pro­verbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision the people perish.”

Nga Man­aakit­anga. God’s Blessings
Rev­er­end Howard Te Hauoter­angi Karaka

  1. Susan Lawrence

    This is so encour­aging Howard. This work is very import­ant and stra­tegic. Please be assured of our prayers and support as the battle rages for our lovely country. Be strong and of good courage for the battle is not ours but God’s. We are on the winning side.

    • Jo Rogers

      Thank you for sharing your dream, Howard. When I first heard about NZCMS wanting to sponsor Maori evan­gel­ists in NZ, I knew it was God’s plan. Sadly the work of English Mis­sion­ar­ies to NZ was cut short by enemy attack, but now God is raising up Maori evan­gel­ists to reach Maori. You and your col­leagues are going to face tornado like oppos­i­tion from the enemy, but God will give you the strength, the per­sever­ance and the courage to face it and over­come it in Jesus’ name.
      God bless you and Ngahuia and your fellow war­ri­ors of the LORD. I pray for you every day.

    • Howard

      Amen and Amen, thank you for your prayers Suzan.
      Prayers for your min­istry also.
      Nga Manaakitanga.

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