Scott Wheeler Accepted as NZ Based Mission Partner

Mar 22, 2024 | News

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As you will notice in the coming com­mu­nic­a­tions, the Wheeler fam­ily’s status has changed. They have moved back to New Zealand per­man­ently and are now based back home in Wel­ling­ton where the chil­dren will attend school and Nikki has taken up her work as a physio­ther­ap­ist again. However, Gulf Chris­tian Ser­vices (GCS), whom they served with in Kapuna, has reques­ted that Scott con­tinue working for them from New Zealand, with visits to Kapuna three times per year. After careful con­sid­er­a­tion, we are excited to announce that we have approved this request and have appoin­ted Scott as a “NZ-based, glob­ally focused Mission Partner” for a period of up to two years.

Scott has a very spe­cific skill­set and now a robust under­stand­ing of the context and needs in Kapuna along with their deep exist­ing rela­tion­ships that make him of great value to the team there. His role is to work along­side GCS’ exec­ut­ive team to imple­ment hos­pital organ­isa­tional systems to develop in line with the hos­pit­als’ rapid growth. Scott will also be ment­or­ing those who are taking on the project and site manager roles that he has handed on. We will con­tinue to share regular prayer requests and updates from Scott and invite you to con­tinue praying for him and his family as they stay in NZ during his regular travel.

  1. Sue Kerr

    Very encour­aging and exciting

  2. Sally Kibblewhite

    What a wise use of resources to invest in an exper­i­enced and accep­ted partner for Kapuna. Thanks be to God! And every bless­ing on you, Scott and Nikki and your family as you begin this new chapter in mission.

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