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NZCMS Personnel Manager Passes on the Baton

NZCMS Personnel Manager Passes on the Baton 

By Mike Robb, NZCMS Per­son­nel Manager A story from Papua New Guinea Late Novem­ber, my wife Ruth and I were speed­ing along a river in a dinghy in a remote part of the low­lands in the Gulf Province of Papua New Guinea. We had been paying a pas­toral visit to our NZCMS Mission Part­ners, Scott and…

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Meet our New Mission Partners

Meet our New Mission Partners 

It’s always so excit­ing when we can intro­duce new Mission Part­ners! This couple have a back­ground serving in youth min­istry and primary school teach­ing. They will be working in edu­ca­tion and youth min­is­tries, serving people living in a slum com­munity in South Asia. They will join an established…

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Are You our New Youth Mission Enabler?

Are You our New Youth Mission Enabler? 

Are you pas­sion­ate about seeing young people explor­ing God’s calling on their lives? Have you served in global or cross-cul­tural mission and want to help others engage with mission? NZCMS is looking for a Youth Mission Enabler to join our national team. The Youth Mission Enabler is a person who is…

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National Director Shares Recent Travels

National Director Shares Recent Travels 

Recently our National Dir­ector, Rosie, left to travel around Uganda and South Asia. She met with a couple of our Mission Part­ners and with some of the global CMS whānau face-to-face. While trav­el­ling, she reflects on the state of mis­sions and NZCMS’ passion to work along­side local people. You can…

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Update from Māori Evangelist Te Hauoterangi Karaka

Update from Māori Evangelist Te Hauoterangi Karaka 

By Te Hauoter­angi Karaka NZCMS Māori Evan­gel­ist Tēnā koutou katoa. Things have been very busy in Te Puaha O Waikato, attend­ing and con­duct­ing many tangi­hanga, house bless­ings, Hura kōhatu, hos­pital and pas­toral care visits. Marae Min­istry  Marae min­istry and pas­toral care have been keeping me very…

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Resource Your Church

Resource Your Church 

NZCMS’ vision is to see dis­ciples of Jesus par­ti­cip­at­ing in God’s trans­form­ing work in the world. We send mis­sion­ar­ies glob­ally, and we also work to support the New Zealand Church. We want to inspire and empower you to par­ti­cip­ate in God’s mission wherever you find your­self. We’ve been working…

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Video Interview with Mission Partner in Cambodia

Video Interview with Mission Partner in Cambodia 

Inter­view with Adrienne Worth We sat down with Adrienne to discuss her life and min­istry in Cam­bodia. Adrienne serves in Bat­tam­bong, a town in north­west­ern Cam­bodia where she works at a com­munity children’s worker in the Handa Academy, a purpose-built school serving rural vil­lages. If you’d like…

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