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Resource Your Church

Resource Your Church

NZCMS’ vision is to see dis­ciples of Jesus par­ti­cip­at­ing in God’s trans­form­ing work in the world. We send mis­sion­ar­ies glob­ally, and we also work to support the New Zealand Church. We want to inspire and empower you to par­ti­cip­ate in God’s mission wherever you find your­self. We’ve been working…

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Video Interview with Mission Partner in Cambodia

Video Interview with Mission Partner in Cambodia

Inter­view with Adrienne Worth We sat down with Adrienne to discuss her life and min­istry in Cam­bodia. Adrienne serves in Bat­tam­bong, a town in north­west­ern Cam­bodia where she works at a com­munity children’s worker in the Handa Academy, a purpose-built school serving rural vil­lages. If you’d like…

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Want to Fund a Project in Papua New Guinea?

Want to Fund a Project in Papua New Guinea?

By Nikki Wheeler NZCMS Mission Partner to Papua New Guinea Dis­ciple­ship Train­ing Program Kapuna runs a dis­ciple­ship program through­out the year. They invite a group of people from dif­fer­ent vil­lages in the Gulf Province and house and feed them for a period of 8 weeks while they train them in Bible…

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What About the Birds

What About the Birds

By Lily Emo Illus­trator By the time NZCMS came to me with a request for artwork, a lot of thought had already gone into present­ing their values through their new brand­ing. John 20:21 had been used to form a lot of the think­ing behind the tag line “Every­one Sent”. At their core, the illustrations…

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Mission Partners Give Update After Three Months in Tokyo

Mission Partners Give Update After Three Months in Tokyo

By Luke and Naomi Sin­clair NZCMS Mission Part­ners to Japan We’ve been in Chofu, Tokyo for three months! A high­light has been the great con­ver­sa­tions we’re having with local fam­il­ies at Angeline’s Chris­tian preschool. We haven’t met another Chris­tian parent yet, and only two of the teach­ers are…

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Introducing New NZCMS Board Member

Introducing New NZCMS Board Member

The Rev. Claude Fong Toy has been appoin­ted to the NZCMS Board. Claude is cur­rently the Vicar of St Eliza­beth Parish of Clendon, Auck­land, having com­pleted his B. Theo­logy through Otago while at St John’s College in Auck­land in 2021. Claude and his wife Mila have been in full-time church ministry…

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The Voices of the Global Church

The Voices of the Global Church

By Jairus Robb, NZCMS Com­mu­nic­a­tions Officer When I was sev­en­teen, my twin brother and I were helping Dad move our house. After getting a ques­tion from Dad I said, “Muskie that”. He glanced at me in amuse­ment. “It’s so funny you guys still say that.” “Say what?” I asked. “Muskie that,” he said.…

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