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NZCMS Board Member Reflects

NZCMS Board Member Reflects

By Rev Dr Rangi Nich­olson NZCMS Board Member Members of the NZCMS whānau, along with inter­na­tional guests from CMS UK and Asia CMS, atten­ded the Wānanga Sym­posium on Novem­ber 16 — 18, an event held at Wait­angi. This sym­posium fea­tured leading inter­na­tional and New Zealand schol­ars exploring…

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Mission Partner Gives Final Update from Papua New Guinea

Mission Partner Gives Final Update from Papua New Guinea

By Nikki Wheeler, NZCMS Mission Partner in Papua New Guinea  Kia Ora whanau We have entered our final months and are able to count in weeks now before we leave this place. There is much we will miss. I sit here looking out at all the coconut trees and the sound of people scrap­ing coconuts and…

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Anglican Youth Ministry Supports Mission Partners 

Anglican Youth Ministry Supports Mission Partners 

By Jess Adams This fun­draiser was cre­at­ively born out of a way to clear out our surplus food (and recyc­ling) at the end of our Hui together. We held an auction where each house bid for the products they wanted to take home with them. High-valued items were fought over, and low-valued items gave…

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Introducing our New NZCMS Team Member

Introducing our New NZCMS Team Member

By Carolyn, NZCMS Per­son­nel Manager I’m delighted to be working for NZCMS – in fact, I’d call it my dream job because of my passion for mission and to see Mission Part­ners thrive in their calling. It also gives me an oppor­tun­ity to use the twenty-eight years of my own per­sonal exper­i­ence serving…

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Former Mission Partner Returns to Host Country

Former Mission Partner Returns to Host Country

By Peter Akester, Former NZCMS Mission Partner It was four years since I had been in Tan­zania, and being part of a SOMA mission team to the Diocese of Kondoa was an ideal oppor­tun­ity for me to return. Changes in Tan­zania were evident as soon as I arrived. A new loc­a­tion for the long-dis­tance bus…

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Pray with the Aryals

Pray with the Aryals

A new ini­ti­at­ive for NZCMS in 2023 is sup­port­ing Co-Mission Part­ners. NZCMS is part­ner­ing with AsiaCMS to ‘co-send’ mis­sion­ar­ies from Asia to Asia. These mis­sion­ar­ies work in stra­tegic mission roles in their own or near culture con­texts. We pray that this part­ner­ship bears fruit and opens our eyes…

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Every Day Evangelism

Every Day Evangelism

By Adrienne Worth, Mission Partner in Cam­bodia I am part of The Handa Academy (THA) teach­ing team. This is mainly a Khmer team with our Amer­ican manager. I share an office with the Khmer staff which I really enjoy. They are a great bunch, and we get along well. They help me with the Cambodian…

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Introducing our New Mission Partners to Southeast Asia

Introducing our New Mission Partners to Southeast Asia

Jamie and Lily Somerville are exper­i­enced mis­sion­ar­ies, having served in Thai­l­and for ten years, dis­cip­ling young people. After return­ing to NZ to com­plete theo­lo­gical edu­ca­tion and English study, they are pre­par­ing to head back to Thai­l­and with NZCMS where they will serve with Empower­Asia, an…

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