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The Voices of the Global Church

The Voices of the Global Church

By Jairus Robb, NZCMS Com­mu­nic­a­tions Officer When I was sev­en­teen, my twin brother and I were helping Dad move our house. After getting a ques­tion from Dad I said, “Muskie that”. He glanced at me in amuse­ment. “It’s so funny you guys still say that.” “Say what?” I asked. “Muskie that,” he said.…

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The Nations Among Us

The Nations Among Us

By Alice Kinyua NZCMS Inter­cul­tural Min­istry Enabler There is an image that I find mind-bog­gling, described in Rev­el­a­tion 7:9–10 “After this, I looked, and there before me was a great mul­ti­tude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and lan­guage, stand­ing before the throne and…

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Death, Life and the Space in Between

Death, Life and the Space in Between

By Nick Laing Mission Partner in Uganda   Just two days ago my won­der­ful Uncle Andrew died. Although I was not close with him myself, my parents and also my sister were very close, and he con­trib­uted much to their lives, espe­cially in recent years. Our prayers, sorrow and grat­it­ude are with…

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Kingdom Impact Looks Like Toilets, Sanitation and Tropical Critters

Kingdom Impact Looks Like Toilets, Sanitation and Tropical Critters

By Nikki Wheeler Mission Partner in Papua New Guinea Hello to our won­der­ful NZ Whanau! This is an update to let you know how things have been pro­gress­ing in Kapuna, Papua New Guinea in the last few months. Scott’s project work has changed a lot since fin­ish­ing the hos­pital upgrade and he is now…

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“Hamilton” Musical and Missions?

“Hamilton” Musical and Missions?

By Luke Sin­clair, Mission Partner serving in Japan A turning point on my journey to mission lies some­where between Aaron Burr and Alex­an­der Hamilton, the two rival char­ac­ters as por­trayed in the 2015 musical, “Hamilton”. Set in the early years of Amer­ican inde­pend­ence, Hamilton is a driven man who…

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Meet our New Missions Intern!

Meet our New Missions Intern!

Q and A with Mike Jessop Who do you call your family and where do you come from? I hail from down south in Bal­clutha. I grew up in a loving Chris­tian home with two great parents and four awesome sib­lings. I also have a sup­port­ive wider church family who encour­aged me to step into leadership…

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Everyone Sent

Everyone Sent

By Rosie Fyfe, NZCMS National Dir­ector Each of us at NZCMS shares a deep passion: to see the church enga­ging in mission. We exist to enable this – as a sending organ­isa­tion, we provide resources, prayer support, and logist­ics to send people into mission. Who, then, is a mis­sion­ary? To unpack this,…

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NZCMS Staff Member Says Farewell After Nine Years

NZCMS Staff Member Says Farewell After Nine Years

By Kirstin Cant Nine years ago, I had just fin­ished study­ing a bit of theo­logy and I came across a job with a mission organ­isa­tion I had never heard of, that was offer­ing a role right in the niche of what I was pas­sion­ate about: jour­ney­ing with young people who were keen on explor­ing global…

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